Monday, February 10, 2014

The Raven's Lightning Quick Solution

This morning I shoveled a few feet of snow off the deck just outside my back door.  The crows usually stop by when there might be something to eat, but today they were roosting up in the trees.

I broke some uncured hot dogs into odd-sized pieces.  I dropped them on the cleared part of the deck, and to my surprise a big raven landed there.  He picked up a piece of hot dog in his beak,  then added to it,  picking up the biggest chunk of the lot.  He wanted to pick up one more,  but now his beak was stuffed full - it couldn't shut all the way.  So he dropped the biggest piece and replaced it with a smaller one.  He now carefully closed the hooked tip of his beak on the biggest chunk,  and he was up and away!

The math:

1+1.5= 2.5



2+1.5= 3.5 !